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Graspy International 株式会社

Graspy International Inc. is an International trading company in Japan.
Our mission is to help you sell your products in Japan.
We are doing retail and wholesale business in Japan representing more than 30 manufacturers.
We have many unique shops and local distributors as customers. If you are interested in the Japanese market, we can contribute to your sales in Japan.
We hope to work with your company.

market research
in japan
We have enough data for Japanese market.
support for local regulations
We are specialists for Japanese local regulations.
Ex. PSE, Radio act in Japan
Launch at crowdfunding
Crowdfunding can help to increase awareness of your brand.
custmer support
in japan
We can provide customer support for your customers in Japan.
SNS marketing
We can make your product famous in Japan using social networking and influencer marketing.
one day shipping
You can ship products for Japanese customers via our logistics.
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